Sunday, March 27, 2022

Small Batch Blueberry Jam (makes about 5 ounces)

While making strawberry jam, I would wonder how difficult it would be to make a low sugar blueberry jam. In search for such a recipe, I located a Pectin free, low sugar blueberry jam recipe on the Mother Earth News website which allows use of either fresh or frozen blueberries. This Mother Earth News recipe makes 4 pints or about 8 jelly jars worth of jam and gives instruction on how to can/preserve the jam using either hot water bath or atmospheric steam canner

Being more interested in using blueberries I froze when in season and not having 12 cups (6 pints) in my freezer, I adjusted this recipe for 1 pint of blueberries and skipped the canning process. The end result is about 5 ounces or ¼ pint of jam which takes under an hour to make and will keep in refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. I recommend letting the jam completely cool before serving to get the full flavor of the blueberries.  

Small Batch Blueberry Jam 

1 pint or about 2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen 
2 teaspoons lemon juice 
¼ cup to ¼ cup plus 4 teaspoons sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave nectar 

1) Place a small plate in the freezer for testing the set. 
2) Combine the blueberries and lemon juice in heavy saucepan over low heat. 
3) Let the berries cook for a few minutes over low heat (about 10 minutes for frozen), until they begin to break down, and then crush them with a potato masher. 

4) After the mixture is juicy with crushed fruit, increase heat to high and add 1⁄4 cup of sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave nectar and bring to a boil. 
5) Boil vigorously and stir continuously until the mixture is fairly thick, about 6-15 minutes. You’ll have reached the jam stage when a spoonful of jam dropped onto a cold plate holds its shape and you can leave a clean trail by passing your finger through the mixture. 

6) Remove from the heat and skim off any foam. 
7) Taste the jam and add the additional sweetener, 1 teaspoon at a time, if desired 

8) Ladle the hot jam into heat proof container with a lid. 
9) Allow jam to cool uncovered for 1-2 hours. 
10) Cover jam, store jam in refrigerator and use within 3 weeks. 

Small batch of Blueberry Jam cooling on counter top

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