Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies

I realize it's been well over a month since my last post. Things have been busy, and I a have not had the opportunity to bake, cook and blog about my cooking adventures as much as I would like.

Additionally, I am behind on my goal of trying twelve new recipes this year. I started the twelve new recipe goal in 2010 when I realized I made the same dozen or so recipes time and again. One recipe a month, how hard could that be? Quite easy for me as I would usually reach the goal by June and have keeper recipes such as Magic Cookie Bars, New York Style (Quick) Pizza Sauce and Chocolate Avocado Mousse and not ever again recipes such as Multi-Grain Muffins and Blueberry Quinoa Muffins.

Therefore, I was very happy this weekend to have the opportunity to try a new recipe to count toward my 2013 goal.

The new recipe was the Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookie recipe from This is the first recipe I've tried from veryculinary and it was a success all around. The recipe was easy, straightforward and very well written. I found it easy to substitute two tablespoons from my everyday utensil set for the #40 ice cream cookie dough scoop noted in the recipe. The house smelled fabulous, even into the next day. The end product was well received and given thumbs up.  

Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies from