Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oven Roasted Eggplant

Over the years, my palate has become accustomed to local grown eggplant. When it appears at my local farmer's markets, I will buy, buy and buy more as I have found cooked eggplant freezes well and works nicely in a pizza, a pasta or bean dish or as the eggplant portion of my Eggplant, Meat and Tomato with Spices recipe.

By the time October rolls around, my freezer is stocked with bags of frozen oven roasted eggplant. During the cold days of winter and damp days of spring, the supply slowly dwindles. With only one bag remaining in my freezer at this time, I am reminded that at some point summer will return with its long days and bounty of local eggplant which I will buy roast and freeze for the upcoming winter. 

Oven Roasted Eggplant 
ready to be put in freezer for winter

Oven Roasted Eggplant

6 – 8 cups globe eggplant washed and diced
1 cup olive oil or canola oil
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp garlic powder

1. Place oven rack on middle rung. Preheat oven to broiler setting.

2. In a large bowl, combine eggplant, olive oil, onion powder and garlic powder.

3. Line a large cookie sheet with aluminum foil, tucking in ends.

4. Place eggplant on cookie sheet, close together but no higher than one layer deep. 

Eggplant ready to be put
in oven for roasting

5. Place eggplant in oven on middle rack. Cook for 7 – 13 minutes or until largest pieces are easily split with fork. Serve or cool and store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as many times as needed.

If freezing, place cooled eggplant in freezer-safe bags or containers. I use quart size freezer-safe ziploc bags. When ready to use, remove from freezer and thaw on plate on kitchen counter top or in refrigerator for slower thaw. For quicker thaw, immerse three-quarters of eggplant in warm water. Once thawed, add to pizza as you would any other topping, heat to warm or hot if adding to pasta or bean dish. Use as bottom layer in my Eggplant, Meat and Tomato with Spices recipe.